上一次在美容院剪壞頭髮的那一次 在一本時尚雜誌中發現老爸朋友的女兒介紹了這一家飯店 回家後上網查詢 看起來還不錯的樣子 所以這次訂了住看看 如果不錯下次可以再來 check-in拿到1312號房 

room key

window with the view of Shinjuku buildings

My old friend - Jessie

Type: one bedroom - super deluxe

King size bed, too big for small people like Jessie and me 

living room

Visitors: Uncle Hayama san & Vicky

This is a serviced apartment with full equipment for cooking.

A sliding door is available between the bedroom and living room.

The color of the cushion matches my dress so well.  (PS: my legs are tired)

Toilet is pretty normal, no surprise!!

Sofa area in front of the hotel cafeteria.

Ohira-san is a sweet and friendly hotel representative.


All you can eat.

Egg is delicious, I take one each day.

Looking plain but pretty yummy!!

Free internet service in te cafeteria.

I tried to take as many photos of this hotel facilities as possible during my stay. Hope you guys can get some ideals how it's like for your future reference .                   http://shinjuku.frasershospitality.com/


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