拿到登機證後整個不安的感覺才消失 Ya!!出發囉

I took the first flight from Taipei - JL460 departing at 08:20 (In another word I got up very early at 04:45). My friends were on a later flight of NH1084.

The lovely meal I had on board.

The food tray is pretty unusual.  Is it a heater for my main course?? 

一到上野車站我肚子好餓 把行李放在店內門口就跟好友展開東京之旅的第一餐: 牛井

This is for my hubby.

I ordered the one with spice. JPY690

很好找就在上野車站不忍札口對面OI CITY Department Store隔壁

We went to a Korean BBQ which is recommended by a Chinese-Thai friend at night. It doesn't look like a popular shop, we went in all because of his recommendation. We were joking that we would kill him if it tastes bad. Finally, we learn we should trust a good man like him. It's very tasty!! 

本來我們要點最貴的上等牛五花(一份JPY2300) 老闆居然叫我們點一般的就好(一份JPY1000) 我問老闆一般的就很好吃了是嗎 老闆說好不好吃是看個人而且是客人自己說而不是他自誇 所以我覺得他做生意滿實在的 下圖是兩份的量 肉的厚度夠所以不錯吃喔




店內貼了這張照片 不清楚它是在告訴客人本店蔬菜都自己種的嗎 我日文不夠強不敢問


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